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Enterprise reporting with m-Power
m-Power brings the development speed of a low-code platform to business intelligence and reporting software. With m-Power, you can create and deploy custom reports, dashboards, and BI applications faster than it would take to deploy an off-the-shelf enterprise reporting solution. Easily customize your reports to fit your precise business needs and look/feel. And that's not all: Here are a few more reasons why m-Power is the only reporting tool you need.
Deliver BI reporting apps and interactive dashboards in minutes, using m-Power's model-driven build process.
m-Power's open architecture works with any database and integrates with any system.
With no user or distribution fees, m-Power scales easily across your business.
Embed reports, dashboards, and data visualizations into other web applications or software.
m-Power comes with features like multi-tenant security, role-level security, application security, and more.
Deploy reports on-premise or run them in the cloud. Distribute reports with no extra fees
m-Power has given me and the company the ability to do things that we have never been able to do. Reports that would take months to get from programming requests can now be run in minutes!
Quick and easy reports, and the ability to delve deeper if necessary in the same tool is unusual to see. [m-Power] seems to deliver both options.
All our critical reporting can now be delivered in real-time to our users' browsers with m-Power.
m-Power is the reporting tool you need to...

Ditch spreadsheets
Does your organization rely on spreadsheet programs (like Excel) for reporting? Do you have multiple versions of the same spreadsheet floating around--unsure of which one is accurate? Or, do you still consolidate data from multiple systems into spreadsheets? Not only does spreadsheet-based reporting waste time, studies have found that 90% of spreadsheets contain errors.
Our clients commonly use m-Power to move from spreadsheet-based reporting to web-based reporting. With m-Power, you can move your spreadsheet data into secure database tables and generate reports over that data. This approach saves time, improves data security, and lets you deliver real-time data to your key decision makers.
Eliminate the reporting bottleneck
Does your IT department still handle reporting functions? Do end users request reports from IT...and wait? This reporting bottleneck not only slows down data delivery, it keeps your IT department from more important tasks.
Take this reporting burden off of your IT department with the m-Power Development Platform. m-Power delivers the best of both worlds: End users can create reports on their own, and the IT department can still control data and user access. Or--if your users don't want to create their own reports--m-Power lets you create all types of canned reports that they can access at any time.

Deliver a clear view of your business
Is it hard to get a clear view of your business because your data is spread across multiple systems? Do you have to pull data out of different systems and combine it manually?
Use m-Power to automate this process. m-Power delivers real-time reports that pull data from multiple data sources automatically. With m-Power, you can deliver a clear view of your business at a glance...from any device!
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Comprehensive reporting capabilities
m-Power offers a range of capabilities that you won't find in other enterprise reporting software tools. With m-Power, you can create all types of reporting needs--from financial reporting to canned reports to self-service reporting and everything in between.
Financial Reporting
m-Power lets you create financial reporting applications that are customized to your business. Create P&L statements, balance sheets, cash flow apps, and more. Thanks to m-Power's built-in security features, you can place financial reports in a secure portal and restrict access to only specific users.

Operational Reporting
m-Power lets you create operational reports that deliver real-time insights into your current activities. Pull real-time data from different data sources and consolidate everything in a single report or dashboard. Create reports, dashboards, and BI apps that are customized to each department or user role.

Self-service/Ad-hoc reporting
m-Power addresses self-service reporting in two different ways: Employees can use m-Power to create their own reports, or the IT department can create a variety of canned ad-hoc reports for end users. It's the best of both worlds: End users get the reports they need (without bothering IT), and the IT department still controls data and user access.

Reporting Case Study: Showplace Wood Products
Because their Friedman Frontier ERP system didn’t fit their reporting needs, Showplace Wood Products had to rely on manual reporting processes. They were stuck manually entering and extracting data from their ERP system, which slowed down their operations and began to limit the number of cabinets they could physically produce. Read this case study to learn how they used the m-Power Development Platform to create custom reporting over their ERP system.
Automated data delivery from their ERP system to their cutting department, eliminating 20 hours of manual data entry every week.
Created all of their applications using their current staff and skills, avoiding the need to hire a full-time developer.
Delivered tablet applications with real-time ERP data access to employees on the shop floor--helping them meet their goal of 100% daily shipping.
Reporting Demos
Check out these live reporting demos that were created with m-Power.

Financial Reporting
The financial reporting demo includes a Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow app.

Ranking Report
The ranking (or top N) report lets you rank any aspect of your data from best to worst, or vice-versa.

Ad-hoc Report
Ad hoc reports let end users choose their data criteria and then create & distribute reports on the fly.

Web Pivot Table
Pivot tables are powerful interactive reports that let users view data from multiple perspectives.

Interactive Report
An interactive report displays as much or as little data as the user desires, and lets users analyze the data however they wish.

Drill-down report
Drill-down reports give users a high-level overview of their data and lets them drill down into more information as needed.
Learn how m-Power can help you
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