Trusted by over 1,500 organizations worldwide

Why do local governments choose m-Power?
The m-Power Development Platform is low-code software that lets anyone create web applications without coding. Local governments adopt m-Power to modernize legacy systems, reduce costs, and create web solutions using their existing team and skills. Here are a few ways m-Power will help you:
Build anything
m-Power's versatility reduces the need for single-purpose software. Create budgeting, reporting, utility billing, portals, citizen request management apps, and much more--all from a single platform.
Escape legacy debt
Are you tied to legacy systems? m-Power's unique "extend-and-surround" approach to modernization eliminates risk and lets you modernize your applications without disrupting operations.
Bridge the skills gap
Does your team lack the skills to create web solutions? Because m-Power lets anyone create applications without coding, it turns your existing team into web developers.
Provide data visibility
Do you have trouble accessing data or reports? m-Power lets you create reports and dashboards that pull data from multiple data sources automatically.
Automate processes
Do you still rely on spreadsheets or paper-based processes? m-Power’s workflow designer lets you automate business processes that fit your government’s exact needs.
Improve the citizen experience
Have you provided your constituents with self-service options or portals? m-Power helps those in the public sector create secure citizen portals easily, making your services available to all residents.
m-Power is the platform you need to...

Turn your existing team into hyper-efficient web developers
Many state and local governments face the same issue: They lack the skills needed to create modern web solutions. Or, their existing developers are already overwhelmed with projects, requests, and maintenance.
m-Power helps you better serve your constituents even if you lack the talent internally to create modern solutions. It lets anyone create applications without coding, turning your existing team into web developers. The best part: Because m-Power cuts development time by 80%, it makes your team far more efficient than typical developers.
Create anything from a single platform
The m-Power Development Platform lets you create internal or external applications in days/weeks, with as much security as you need. Local Governments typically use m-Power to create:
- Citizen Portals
- Reporting Applications
- Public record management
- Citizen request management
- ePollbook Applications
- Mobile Apps
- Scheduling Applications
- ...and much more

Modernize your legacy systems
Many state and local government agencies are tied to legacy systems and applications. They’re forced to spend valuable resources maintaining antiquated systems. Not only is this inefficient, but these legacy systems also lack the features needed to operate in a digital world.
m-Power is the platform you need to bring digital transformation to government agencies and municipalities. Using a unique "extend-and-surround" approach to modernization, m-Power eliminates risk and lets you modernize legacy applications without disrupting operations.

County Government Case Study
Boone County's IT department licensed the m-Power Development Platform to address a reporting need, but quickly realized it could help in many areas. They've since used m-Power to address many development needs and give their existing COBOL programmers the ability to create web applications.
COBOL programmers can now create web applications
Addressed multiple needs with m-Power (web reports, HR applications, an ePollbook application, and more)
Delivered a development project that would normally require 1,000 hours, in just 300 hours
What can you create with m-Power?

Citizen Portals
Make your government’s services available to all residents using secure citizen portals. The m-Power Development Platform lets you create internal or external portals in weeks, with as much security as you need. Using a portal, you can offers services like:
- Utility billing
- Online permit applications
- Online business applications
- Public record management
- Citizen request management
- Code violation reporting
Set up an m-Power demo
Create custom KPI dashboards in minutes. Embed dashboards within your existing software or deploy them to your constituents or government leaders.
View Dashboard Demo

Connect disparate data systems and automate your reporting. m-Power’s powerful reporting features make data management and analytics easier than ever.
View a Reporting Demo
Budgeting and Finance Applications
Does your budgeting system still rely on time-consuming spreadsheets? m-Power creates web-based budgeting and financial reporting applications that seamlessly integrate with your financial system.
View a Financial Reporting Demo

Workflow automation
Do your processes and services still rely on paper forms? m-Power’s workflow capabilities help you streamline operations and provide a better citizen experience.
Set up a demo to see m-Power's workflow automation
Set up a demoMobile Apps
Provide your constituents with services and information via mobile web applications. With every build process, m-Power automatically creates mobile web apps that work across all devices.
Set up an m-Power demo

Learn how m-Power can help you
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