Probe Analysis Tool
m-Power ships with the Probe Analysis tool. This utility helps advanced m-Power developers and system administrators obtain a better understanding of what system resources are being utilized and how users are accessing the system. This document will outline the most useful aspects of this tool, and also explain how you can modify and control user access.
Note: The Probe Analysis software is a third-party tool provided by mrc for your convenience. mrc provides no warranty for this product and it is offered as-is.
To access this utility, click "Admin Menu", then "Utilities". Lastly, click "Probe Analysis".
You will need to provide log-in credentials. For more information on these credentials, see here.
Once you have provided your credentials, you will be brought to a list of web programs.
You will want to pay special attention to the \mrcjava and \webapp\mrc instances. By clicking on the name of the instance, you can drill-down into more details. For instance, you could visit the Sessions option to see how many users have accessed the web application. Additional options to view Attributes and Servlets can help advanced developers debug more complicated issues.
Across, the top of the screen, you will notice the "Logs" tab. This screen can provide quick and easy access to your m-Power logs. Rather than have to search them down on the server, they are easily accessed here. Simply click on a log to open its contents. Alternatively, click the icon to download the corresponding log.
System Information
Next, click the "System Information" tab.
This screen lists key information, such as current memory allotment and system OS level. This screen also allows you to force garbage collection, which will help stabilize your environment if you are low on available memory. This screen offers two additional very useful options: Memory utilization and OS information. For these options to function, you will need to modify your Tomcat Service slightly on your PC server.
- Open a DOS command line
- Run the following command:
cd m-power\tomcat\bin
- Type
- Navigate to the Java tab
- Type the following text on a new line of the Java Options section:
- Click OK and restart Tomcat.
Click the "Memory Utilization" link in the right navigation bar. The following 6 items will be represented both graphically and via table layout the recent usage of your Server's memory load.
Similarly, by clicking on the "OS Information" link in the right navigation bar, you can see a graphical representation of your server's CPU and memory load.
Connector Stats
The last key function that is worth noting can be found under the "Connector Stats" tab. This screen will refresh every 30 seconds to provide you with a real-time look at both the number of requests and the traffic load that your Tomcat server is handling.