mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

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web reporting

How to automate reporting (and say goodbye to Excel)

EducationSummary: The process of taking data out of an enterprise system and turning it into meaningful management information is a challenge for many businesses. It usually requires Excel, and hours of manual work. Would you like to automate that process, and eliminate the clunky Excel reporting once and for all? Learn how one company fixed this very problem.

What is a ranking report (or “top N” report)?

EducationToday, let’s explain an important type of web report that could be a useful addition to any company’s reporting repertoire: the ranking report (also known as “the top N report”). What is it, why is it important, and how does it help your company? Let me explain.

The ranking (or top N) report creates variable rankings, across multiple dimensions, while specifying various selection criteria at run-time. In short, it lets you rank any aspect of your data from best to worst, or vice-versa. It lets users choose from a number of different criteria at run-time, and then instantly run a top/bottom ranking report complete with a graph.

New charting now available in m-Power

AnnouncementI’m happy to announce that m-Power’s reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities just received a major boost! We just released an update that includes much improved graphing and charting capabilities, and I think you’ll love it.

Now, you’ll still find all of the charting features you’ve come to expect out of m-Power, like chart drill-downs, tooltips, mobile charting capabilities, etc… We didn’t remove any existing features. We did, however, add some new capabilities that will help you create better web applications with m-Power. For instance, m-Power users can now:

The dangers of choosing the wrong reporting software

EducationWhat’s the only thing worse than running a business without good reporting software in place? Running a business with bad reporting software in place.

The problems caused by bad reporting software can range from small inconveniences to major financial losses. For instance, bad reporting software can lead to:

  • Lost productivity
  • Wasted money
  • Security breaches
  • Flawed business decisions
  • and more…

How so? Take–for example–the most commonly used reporting tool: Spreadsheets. Why are spreadsheets a dangerous reporting option? Two reasons: They’re inefficient and dangerous:

The need for self-service reporting

EducationDid you know that a full 90% of the data in the world has been generated over the past two years? We’re creating more data than ever before, and this trend is only growing. The only problem: Many businesses still aren’t sure how to capitalize on all of this data.

Oftentimes, the data is inaccessible to the very people who need it most. Salespeople have no way of easily viewing their sales data. Marketing managers can’t easily create the reports they need to view prospect data. As a result, all of that data goes to waste.

The fact is, as businesses generate more data than ever before, self-service reporting becomes increasingly important. You must give your employees a way to pull that data out of your systems and turn it into meaningful management information–without going through the IT department.

Unfortunately, this is still a problem in many companies. They still force end users to go through the process of requesting reports from the IT department, and then waiting around until they’re delivered. While all too common, this process often causes 3 big problems:

New graphs and charts (with demo)!

AnnouncementI’m excited to announce that we’re bringing improved graphs and charts to m-Power! They’ll be available to m-Power users in the coming weeks, but if you’d like to get a glimpse of what’s in store, head on over to Crazybikes.

While you’ll find the new graphs and charts across many of the applications over on Crazybikes, you’ll see the widest variety on the User-Defined Dashboard demo. Try adding a few different charts, graphs, or gauges to the dashboard to get a glimpse of what the new m-Power charting will look like.

How will this help you? Here are a few ways: