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38 important low-code statistics and facts for 2022

trendsSince the term was first coined by Forrester back in 2014, low-code software has really picked up steam. The pandemic (and the subsequent move to remote work) only furthered its adoption.

The recent spike in low-code usage got me thinking: What does the low-code market look like now? Where will it be in a few years? How are modern businesses using low-code?

To answer those questions, I did some research. I’ve found many different low-code reports, studies, and surveys and compiled those statistics into this article. One thing to keep in mind while you’re reading: Some of these surveys and statistics say similar things, especially when it comes to predictions. I included them because they help paint a complete picture. Low-code is growing and will continue to grow in the coming years. How much will it grow? That’s hard to say. But multiple studies and research firms agree on one thing: The low-code market isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

5 important questions to ask about low-code software

trendsIf you’re at all considering low-code software, there are a few things you must understand:

First, there are hundreds of low-code tools available these days…and new ones are constantly popping up. You can’t possibly evaluate every option.

Second, they’re all different. This is a big deal because most people think low-code tools are generally the same. They’re not. They have different features, interfaces, and development approaches. Some are great in certain areas but poor in others. Some are customizable. Others are not. As a result, comparing your options is tricky. Depending on your needs, some tools will fit better than others.

Finally, there’s really a lot to know about development tools in general. The problem is, not everything is obvious until you really get into them…some of which will come back to bite you if you’re not prepared.

The big question: What ‘not-so-obvious’ areas should you look at in a low-code tool?

We created a video to help you answer that question. We’ve compiled our best advice into 5 important questions to help you identify the ideal low-code platform for your business. You can watch it right here:

10 must-have features of enterprise low-code software

trendsSummary: These days, choosing the right low-code tool can be confusing. Since each one has differing features and goals, comparing your options is becoming more and more difficult. How can you avoid surprises or “gotchas” when selecting a tool? How can you find the right low-code tool for your business? In this article, we explore 10 critical features to look for in any low-code tool.

The fastest low-code platform just got faster

developmentI’m happy to announce that we’ve recently released a revamped front-end for our m-Power Development Platform! The result: Improved speed and usability. For those unfamiliar, m-Power is a low-code application development platform that lets anyone build enterprise web applications without coding. It creates all types of custom web applications such as report-writing, BI, executive dashboards, e-commerce, customer portals, and mobile applications to name a few.

With this release, we redesigned and rebuilt m-Power’s front-end from the ground up. The main goals of the project: Improve speed, keep pace with current trends, and incorporate new technologies into the interface.

The results: With a revamped front-end, m-Power is now the fastest low-code platform available today. How so? With this latest release, m-Power received a speed boost on several levels: