6 must-have skills of modern web application developers
In the past, application development had more of a specialized focus. Programmers focused on a single language (like COBOL, RPG, C++, etc.), and built applications with that language.
Now, that’s changing. The web doesn’t allow for a single focus. Rather, a modern web application developer is something of a “jack-of-all-trades.” They must understand the development aspects, but also understand web app security vulnerabilities, how it integrates with other services, and more. To further complicate things, they must even understand how their applications function on tablets and smartphones.
In other words, web application development is quickly becoming more complex. It requires an ever-increasing, and ever-evolving skill-set.
What skills must modern web application developers now possess? I’ve solicited input from a few experts in the area, and compiled their advice (as well as some of my own) below. Here are 6 of the most important skills that web application developers must now have:
6 must-have skills of modern web application developersRead More »