How to find the best low-code development platform: Ask these 9 questions
Summary: A growing trend, low-code development claims to address many of the common challenges facing businesses today. But, how do you choose the best platform for your business? How can you avoid surprises or “gotchas” when selecting a tool? In this article, we explore 9 questions to ask before choosing a low-code tool.
How to find the best low-code development platform: Ask these 9 questionsRead More »
How to deal with “Shadow IT”
Summary: Shadow IT–a term used to describe unapproved IT systems and solutions used inside organizations–is growing rapidly. Why is it such a problem? When left unchecked, “Shadow IT” can hurt your business in 3 important ways. In this article, you’ll learn how it can harm your company, along with five steps to address the issue.
5 (more) IT trends to watch in 2019 and beyond
Summary: As technology evolves at an ever-increasing pace, it brings major changes to the IT department. In this era, the IT department moves from a back-office function to a true business partner. What trends are driving this change, and how must your IT department adapt? In this article, we examine 5 more trends to watch in the near future.
5 IT trends to watch in 2019 and beyond
Summary: As technology evolves at an ever-increasing pace, it brings major changes to the IT department. In this era, the IT department moves from a back-office function to a true business partner. What trends are driving this change, and how must your IT department adapt? In this article, we examine 5 trends to watch in the near future.
Legacy Application Modernization Best Practices
Summary: Many companies around the globe still run on legacy enterprise applications and systems. They may understand the value of modernization, but view it as a costly/risky project. In this article, we explore a few best practices to follow that will reduce the risk and expense of application modernization.
CIO Strategies: 5 tips for enabling the business
Summary: The goal of any CIO or IT leader: Enable the business. Provide the business with the solutions they need to accomplish their goals. However, that’s a lot easier said than done. How can CIOs and IT leaders better enable the business? In this article, we explore a few ways to meet this goal.
Executive dashboard best practices: 7 rules to follow
Summary: Executive dashboards help business leaders get a clear view of their organizations at a glance. But, not all dashboards are created equal. How can you create effective dashboards for your executives? In this article, we explore a few best practices to follow when creating dashboards.
Executive dashboard best practices: 7 rules to followRead More »
Pros and cons of low-code development platforms
Enterprise Software Trends that CIOs Can’t Ignore in 2019
Summary: Enterprise software is evolving faster than ever, and plays a critical role in all aspects of a business. It’s an area that CIOs and IT leaders must constantly monitor. So, where is enterprise software headed in the near future. In this article, we explore 6 trends to watch.
Enterprise Software Trends that CIOs Can’t Ignore in 2019Read More »