How to add a Twitter feed to your web applications
I know what many of you are thinking: “Why would I want to add a Twitter feed to our web applications? How can it help our business?” Those are very valid questions.
The answer: When used correctly, Twitter can actually provide real business value. How so? Here are just a couple of ways that Twitter could improve your web applications:
1. Let you know what others are saying about your brand: Placing a Twitter feed on an executive dashboard can provide valuable information about what customers and prospects think of your products or services.
2. Improve customer service: Taking the first point a step further, you could place a feed on your customer care applications and let your employees monitor customer complaints. Your customer service team could even reach out to disgruntled customers on Twitter and try to resolve their problems.
While there are many different ways to use Twitter for business, the ideas listed above are just couple of common ways Twitter is used to help business. If you would like to add a Twitter feed to your web applications, it’s really simple. We’ve written up a short tutorial, which you can find right here. …
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