mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Author name: Joe Stangarone

Joe Stangarone is a 40+ year veteran of the IT industry and president of mrc—the software company behind the award winning development platform, m-Power. Joe shares his leadership and technology insights through the Cup of Joe Blog, focusing primarily on ways businesses can save time, money, and increase productivity using technology.

How much does native mobile app development cost?

Save MoneyCost is one of the reasons we advise businesses against building native mobile apps. Of course, there are many more reasons we advise against native apps, but I won’t get into them in this article. You can always read this white paper if you’d like to learn more.

Today, I’m focusing on native app cost. Simply put, native apps are significantly more expensive to both develop and maintain than hybrid or mobile web apps.

So, how much do they cost? I did a little digging and found a wide range of cost estimates, some of which may surprise you. I’ve listed four of these cost estimates below:

Weekly recap: 7 HTML5 predictions, why banks will face more software glitches, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on HTML5 predictions, why banks will see more software glitches this year, and more. I hope you find them useful:

More bank software glitches in 2013?
As companies keep building more and more modern features into their outdated systems, software glitches will become more common. With every new enhancement or alteration, an outdated system only becomes more complex and difficult to understand. Companies looking for ways around this issue can address it in a couple of ways: Modernize, or build apps over the top of their system (without altering it at all).

How to build a dashboard that your executives will love

EducationA recent study by Aberdeen Group uncovers some surprising information about the need for real-time data. In that study, 42% of respondents claimed they needed to make decisions on business events within the day that the event occurred. Going even further, 28% put the time frame at one hour.

All in all, Aberdeen finds that decision-making windows are shrinking. Businesses are forced to respond to incoming data faster than ever before.

What does this mean? For many businesses, it means they need more than traditional reporting software. They need executive dashboards that deliver clear, real-time business data to the right people when they need it.

If your company falls into this category, and you need to build dashboards for your users and executives, you’ll inevitably run into a few questions: What goes into my dashboard? What makes a good dashboard? How can you build useful dashboards that your users and executives will love?

So, what’s the answer? Rather than simply list my opinions, I decided to try something new: I posed those questions to a few dashboard experts, and have compiled their advice (as well as some of my own advice) into the 6 key points below. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to building useful dashboards:

How to turn a spreadsheet into a web app in 3 minutes

EducationI’ve mentioned the dangers of spreadsheet misuse on many occasions, and explained why it’s so important to put that spreadsheet data into your database. However, I realized that I’ve never showed you how to turn your spreadsheets into database-driven web apps.

So, we created a video to do just that. The following video explains why you should convert your spreadsheets into web apps, and even shows you how it’s done. You might be surprised to learn just how simple this process is.

Note: This video is best viewed in 720p(HD) resolution at full screen. Click the “gear” icon below the video to change the resolution.

Weekly recap: Top 7 in-demand tech skills for 2013, how to choose a BI solution, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on the in-demand tech skills, how to choose a BI solution, and more. I hope you find them useful:

Top 7 in-demand tech skills for 2013
Maintaining current skills is one of the most difficult aspects of being an IT professional. If you’re looking to keep your skills up to date, this article outlines which areas to address.

4 common productivity bottlenecks (and how you can fix them)

ProductivityHow would you like to walk into your boss’s office today and say, “I know a way to improve productivity by 50%.” Of course you would! Who wouldn’t?

Of course, that only works if you actually know a way to improve productivity by 50%. Sound impossible? It’s not that hard…you just have to know where to look.

So, where do you look? For starters, let me share one prime area that’s ripe for productivity improvements: In many businesses, productivity bottlenecks revolve around data. Even in the year 2013, we’re just not that efficient with our data. Every day, businesses waste time entering, collecting, sorting, filtering, combining, and manipulating data. The fact is, many businesses could vastly improve productivity if they only addressed some of these data inefficiencies.

If you want to dramatically improve productivity in your company, here’s a good place to start: I’ve listed 4 of the most common productivity bottlenecks caused by data. How many of these do you see in your company?

Weekly recap: The future of IT, omni-channel mobile development, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on the future of IT, the need for ‘omni-channel’ mobile development, and more. I hope you find them useful:

Forrester: Mobile app dev needs ‘omni-channel’ perspective
Rather than simply devising a mobile strategy, mobile apps must be part of a larger “omni-channel” application architecture. Businesses must understand that mobile devices are just one method for accessing their applications. Applications must be accessible across all devices.

How to control BYOD without going insane

EducationThe shift from company-controlled devices to employee-controlled devices is one of the biggest IT trends in recent history. According to a study from Logicalis, 57.1% of employees already use their own devices for work-related tasks in some form or another. Another survey puts that number at 80%.

Can IT ignore BYOD?

What are IT departments doing about this Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend? The study listed above answers that question with some interesting statistics: 46.1% of employees who use their devices for work claim their IT departments are either unaware of or ignore BYOD. Is this a viable approach? Not at all. Let me give you two reasons why your IT department needs a BYOD strategy:

Native apps: The wrong choice for business?

EducationNative mobile applications are popular among consumers, but how do their advantages translate to the business world? Not as well as you might think.

If you’re considering mobile apps for your business, here’s a new white paper that you’ll want to read. It explores each mobile app option, and explains why businesses should think twice before taking the native approach. You can access the white paper right here.

Weekly recap: Digital technologies a top CIO priority, do you need a custom app, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on a recent CIO survey, the need for custom mobile apps, and more. I hope you find them useful:

5 new smartphone OS’s bet on HTML5 and improved UIs
Did you know that 5 new smartphone operating systems are scheduled for release this year? Will any of them become the next iOS or Android? Perhaps a better question: If your business is building native mobile apps, how many of these new operating systems do you plan to support?