10 ways to strengthen web application security
Web reporting software: 15 features to look for
Summary: Enterprise data is set to grow by 650 percent over the next 5 years. To truly capitalize on this data, companies need web reporting software that lets them easily convert data into meaningful management information. But, with all of the available reporting options, what should you look for?
Weekly Recap: 25 questions BI can answer, the multi-screened era redefining the PC, and more…
7 common reasons mobile apps fail
Still using spreadsheets? I have some bad news…
Weekly Recap: Why you should forget Big Data, how to align business and IT metrics, and more…
6 common user practices that drive IT departments crazy
Summary: As businesses rely more on data and technology, the barrier between IT departments and the business must come down. If businesses are to succeed in a data driven world, the business must better align itself with the IT department, and eliminate some common practices that frustrate IT.
6 common user practices that drive IT departments crazyRead More »
The best way to “customize” an enterprise system
Summary: Enterprise systems pose something of a “Catch-22.” If you don’t customize the system, it won’t perfectly fit your needs. If you do customize it, you’re locked into that system. In this article, you’ll learn how to avoid these problems and customize your enterprise system without locking your company down.