mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Author name: Joe Stangarone

Joe Stangarone is a 40+ year veteran of the IT industry and president of mrc—the software company behind the award winning development platform, m-Power. Joe shares his leadership and technology insights through the Cup of Joe Blog, focusing primarily on ways businesses can save time, money, and increase productivity using technology.

5 common enterprise mobile app misconceptions (part 2)

EducationSummary: As mobile apps take off in the business world, companies face a problem: Misconceptions still surround mobile app development. Many businesses venture into mobile app development with false beliefs…that could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this article, we learn about 5 more common misconceptions and how to avoid them.

5 tips to improve IT/business alignment

EducationSummary: Business and IT leaders have talked about the need for IT/business alignment for well over a decade. They all want the benefits that successful alignment brings, like improved business efficiency, reduced costs, increased agility, etc… Who wouldn’t want that? Yet, despite understanding the importance of IT/business alignment…it’s still an issue in many companies. In this article, we explore a few ways to improve your IT/business alignment.

5 common digital transformation myths

EducationSummary: Digital transformation has really picked up steam over the past few years. But, while it’s a growing trend, it’s still surrounded by a lot of myths. Many businesses go into digital transformation projects with false beliefs that can ruin the entire project. In this article, we’ve rounded up some common myths about the topic and explained why they’re false.

5 huge benefits of low-code development

EducationSummary: For the modern IT department, speed is the name of the game. The business demands new solutions faster than ever. The problem is, IT is already overworked. How can they quickly deliver the applications the business needs, without expanding their team? Today, we explore the concept of low-code development, and explain how it helps businesses solve this problem (and more).

5 common enterprise mobile app misconceptions (part 1)

EducationSummary: As many businesses venture into mobile apps for the first time, they’re entering uncharted waters. Misconceptions still surround mobile app development. Many businesses venture into mobile app development with false beliefs…that could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Learn about some of the most common misconceptions and how to avoid them.