mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Author name: Joe Stangarone

Joe Stangarone is a 40+ year veteran of the IT industry and president of mrc—the software company behind the award winning development platform, m-Power. Joe shares his leadership and technology insights through the Cup of Joe Blog, focusing primarily on ways businesses can save time, money, and increase productivity using technology.

How to complete impossible projects with a small IT staff

ProductivityImagine this: You’re in charge of your company’s IT department. Everything is running smoothly, until one day, you get some bad news. Your competitors just rolled out features that you don’t have–in this case, a web-based order entry system.

Then you get some worse news: Several of your largest customers noticed your competition’s shiny new web-based order entry system. They are frustrated that you don’t have a similar option. All of a sudden, a web-based order entry system is a top business priority. …

5 more trends shaping mobile app development in 2017 (Part 2)

EducationSummary: Despite low adoption to date, mobile app development is picking up steam in the business world. Organizations have recognized that they must adapt their existing apps to mobile devices, and create applications for the employees and/or customers. In this article, we explore more of the biggest trends that will impact enterprise mobile development in the coming year.

7 steps to prevent Shadow IT

EducationSummary: A rapidly growing trend, “Shadow IT” is the use of unapproved IT systems and solutions within organizations. End users are increasingly bypassing IT in favor of third party solutions and services. However, stopping Shadow IT isn’t as easy as flipping a switch. In this article, we explore the steps you must take in order to prevent Shadow IT in your organization.

5 trends shaping mobile app development in 2017 (Part 1)

EducationSummary: Despite low adoption to date, mobile app development is picking up steam in the business world. Organizations have recognized that they must adapt their existing apps to mobile devices, and create applications for the employees and/or customers. In this article, we explore some of the biggest trends that will impact enterprise mobile development in the coming year.

How to build a dashboard that your executives will love

EducationSummary: Businesses have access to more data than ever before. But, is this data actually helping business leaders make more informed decisions? In many cases, the answer is “No.” Why? Far too few businesses actually capitalize on their data. In this article, you’ll learn how effective dashboards will help you capitalize on your data, as well as tips for building dashboards that executives will love.

6 lessons CIOs and IT leaders learned in 2016

EducationSummary: As we start a new year, it helps to reflect on (and learn from) the past year. In this article, we take a look at the past year from an IT leader perspective. What are the most important lessons that IT leaders and CIOs learned (or should have learned) in 2016? What important takeaways from the last 12 months will help you succeed in the coming year? We answer those questions (and more) in this article.