mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Author name: Joe Stangarone

Joe Stangarone is a 40+ year veteran of the IT industry and president of mrc—the software company behind the award winning development platform, m-Power. Joe shares his leadership and technology insights through the Cup of Joe Blog, focusing primarily on ways businesses can save time, money, and increase productivity using technology.

Webinar Replay: Turn Your Spreadsheets Into Web Solutions

EducationSummary: Many businesses have fallen into the spreadsheet trap. They start using spreadsheets for minor tasks, but before they know it, they’re relying on spreadsheets for critical aspects of their business. This spreadsheet overuse wastes time, hurts productivity, and results in data errors. If your company is drowning in spreadsheets, check out this webinar replay and learn how easily you can fix the problem.

5 (more) questions to ask before starting a digital transformation project

EducationSummary: Digital transformation–the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology to improve performance–is a priority for many businesses these days. However, it’s a complex task. Many businesses dive in without truly understanding the process. In this article, we explore 5 more important questions to ask before you start.

5 questions to ask before starting a digital transformation process

EducationSummary: Digital transformation–the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology to improve performance–is a priority for many businesses these days. However, it’s a complex task. Many businesses dive in without truly understanding the process. In this article, we explore 5 important questions to ask before you start.

Webinar: 5 IT challenges you can conquer with m-Power

EducationSummary: Modern Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and IT leaders face a daunting task. Gone are the days of simply supporting the business. Gone are the days of hard-to-use technology that’s controlled solely by the IT department. These days, the challenges faced by the IT department are at an all time-high. In this webinar, you’ll learn how you can handle many of the challenges facing IT leaders with a single platform.

5 warning signs that Shadow IT lurks in your company

EducationSummary: A growing trend, “Shadow IT” is a term used to describe IT systems and solutions built and/or used inside organizations without the approval of the IT department. This could include anything from employees emailing spreadsheets back and forth to entire departments licensing third-party, cloud solutions behind IT’s back. The problem: Since Shadow IT usually happens on the sneak, IT departments don’t know where (or how much) it’s happening. Is Shadow IT lurking in your business? Read this article to learn the warning signs.

8 questions to ask before developing applications on the cloud

EducationSummary: It’s a growing trend in the business world: More application development is moving to the cloud. More developers are opting for cloud-based development platforms, and more businesses are moving their application development off-site and onto a cloud host. The problem is, many make the move without understanding how the cloud changes development. In this article, we explore a few of these changes and outline important questions to ask before making the move.

5 tips to maximize your IT department’s value

EducationSummary: As technology continues to evolve and play a larger role in business, more pressure gets placed on IT. However, many IT departments are already overworked. How can IT departments meet these growing demands with their current resources? How can businesses get more out of their existing IT department? In this article, we explore a few ways to accomplish these goals.

B2B Software vendors: A simple way to boost profits

EducationSummary: As an application software vendor, why don’t you close every qualified prospect and retain every customer? While the reasons vary, it generally boils down to a simple fact: You’re in the difficult position of selling the same software to different companies–no two of which are the same. You can’t fit every prospect’s exact requirements, or adapt to every customer’s changing needs. But…what if you could?