mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

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9 huge enterprise mobile trends of 2014

EducationOver the past couple of years, we’ve seen the business world slowly adapt to the rise of mobile devices. Some businesses have jumped in with both feet, while others have moved more cautiously. I believe we’ll see the pace quicken dramatically this year, as more businesses rush to jump on board.

Why will 2014 be a big year for mobile in the business world? We’ve reached a point where businesses can’t afford to ignore the trend any longer. What do I mean? Here are a few examples:

  • Mobile browser usage share recently hit 20%. That means one out of every 5 customers, employees, or prospects that visit a site does so on a mobile browser.
  • The percentage of employees using their own devices for work-related tasks has grown exponentially. I’ve seen studies that put this number anywhere from 50-70%, but I’d wager the actual numbers far exceed those estimations.
  • Mobile is becoming the foundation for new technological advances. For instance, the rise of trends like the “internet of things” and wearable technology revolve around mobile devices.

I believe this will be an exciting and eventful year for mobile in the business world. We’ll see mobile do everything from improve business efficiency to completely revolutionize industries. So, where is mobile headed this year from a business perspective? Here are 9 of the biggest enterprise mobile trends to watch in 2014:

What are multi-tenant applications?

EducationToday, let’s explain an important term in the world of application development: multi-tenancy. What is it, why is it important, and how does it help your company? Let me explain.

The concept of multi-tenancy revolves around a single instance of a software application that serves different users/customers (also called “tenants”). In a multi-tenant application, different users access the same application, but see different data.

Weekly Recap: The new CIO mandate, how to screw up your mobile app, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on the new CIO mandate, how to screw up your enterprise mobile app, and more. I hope you find them useful:

Saving the dry lifeless soul of enterprise software
Although enterprise software is pervasive in business, the products and industry tend to be flat, boring, and too often devoid of human expression. The problem is, consumers now expect more. They expect the same level of usability they find in consumer apps. IT departments face a new reality: Create software that users want to use…or risk being bypassed.

5 money-saving strategies for IT Leaders and CIOs

EducationAs technology plays an increasingly important role in the business, IT departments are evolving. They’re moving from a back-office function that supports the business to a true business driver.

The problem is, many of these CIOs and IT leaders are still stuck working with limited budgets. IT budgets took a beating in the recession a few years back, and many still haven’t recovered. In fact, according to Computerworld’s yearly report, 64% of IT leaders report either a flat or smaller budget this year over last.

The question is, how can CIOs and IT leaders make the most out of their budgets? While being called upon to play a larger role in the business, many must do so with limited resources. How can they succeed?

Today, I’d like to answer that question and explore a few ways CIOs and IT leaders can save money. Now, when I say “save money,” I’m referring to long-term savings. I’m not interested in short-term cut-backs with long-term consequences. I’m interested in money-saving methods that will not only reduce costs, but prepare your company for future success.

These tips aren’t easy, but will produce significant savings if followed. All that being said, here you go: Five money-saving tips for CIOs and IT leaders:

New charting now available in m-Power

AnnouncementI’m happy to announce that m-Power’s reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities just received a major boost! We just released an update that includes much improved graphing and charting capabilities, and I think you’ll love it.

Now, you’ll still find all of the charting features you’ve come to expect out of m-Power, like chart drill-downs, tooltips, mobile charting capabilities, etc… We didn’t remove any existing features. We did, however, add some new capabilities that will help you create better web applications with m-Power. For instance, m-Power users can now:

Weekly Recap: 11 ways to improve IT productivity, lessons for CIOs in the age of the cloud, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on ways to improve IT productivity, lessons for CIOs in the age of the cloud, and more. I hope you find them useful:

5 lessons for CIOs in the age of the cloud
The CIO of Chiquita Brands recently shared insight on how his company operates in the age of the cloud. I especially agree with the second and third points: Avoid any technology that ties you to a single vendor, and flexible architecture will prepare you for whatever the future holds.

7 critical security tips for modern web development

EducationModern developers are caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, businesses are requiring faster application delivery from their development staff. As software plays an increasingly important role in the modern business, developers regularly face impossible deadlines.

On the other hand, web application development is becoming more complex. For instance, as outlined in this article, modern developers must create applications that adapt to any device, port to any platform, integrate with other services, and withstand increasingly sophisticated attacks. Whew!

The big problem: With these changing requirements and growing demands for faster development, developers struggle to keep up. Certain development aspects are bound to fall through the cracks.

As it turns out, that is exactly what’s happening…with security. Despite the growing importance of proper security, many developers aren’t following basic security principles. How bad is it? According to this study from last year, 99% of applications have one or more serious vulnerabilities.

Today, let’s examine this problem. While I know we can’t address every security mistake developers make, we can highlight the most important principles. What basic security guidelines should every modern web developer follow? How can you protect your web applications from being easy targets for an attack? While the list could be much larger, I’ve rounded up 7 of the most important security tips every developer must follow, and listed them below:

Weekly Recap: Build vs. buy, the enterprise IT infrastructure agenda for 2014, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on the “Build vs. Buy” myth, BYOD, and more. I hope you find them useful:

It’s Not Whether To BYOD or Not to BYOD, It’s How To
With the workforce becoming increasingly mobile, businesses must find a way to balance productivity, affordability and security to meet current and future workforce demands. To read more about one secure way to handle BYOD, check out this article.

9 most common Business Intelligence misconceptions

EducationGartner recently predicted that Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics will remain a top focus for CIOs through 2017. As the benefits of a data-driven decision-making process become more evident, we’ll see most businesses adopt a BI strategy in one form or another over the next few years.

The only problem: Many businesses still don’t quite understand BI. They have a general idea, but the concept remains clouded in misconceptions. These misconceptions keep many businesses from adopting BI, or from taking full advantage of its potential.

Today, I’d like to address these misconceptions, and explain why they’re false. So, what are the biggest areas of confusion surrounding BI? While the list could be much larger, here are 9 of the most common BI misconceptions:

Whatever the future holds, we’re ready for it. Here’s why…

EducationWhat’s the next big tech trend? How will the web change in 5 years? Who knows? Sure, people like to speculate and make bold predictions. But, they don’t know what the future holds. I don’t know what the future holds. Neither do you.

One thing I do know: Whatever the future holds, we’re ready for it.

How am I so sure?