mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Webinar Replay: Dashboards 101–How to create effective dashboards

EducationSummary: While a business dashboard will help you make sense of your data, not all dashboards are created equal. Typical dashboards are inflexible–displaying a pre-determined set of metrics in a pre-set layout. Learn how to create flexible dashboards that your users love, while avoiding the common problems found in many modern dashboards.

7 myths and facts you should understand about low-code development

EducationSummary: As businesses rush to deliver solutions quickly, low-code development is growing. But, it’s a relatively new term and is still surrounded by confusion. In this article, we dispel some common myths of low-code development platforms and share some important facts.

7 warning signs your Business Intelligence needs an overhaul

EducationSummary: Every day, businesses suffer from the effects of bad or outdated Business Intelligence. These outdated BI tools/practices waste precious time, harm decision-making, and keep these companies from truly taking advantage of their data. Fortunately, bad BI tools/processes display many warning signs. These warning signs will help alert you to a problem, and keep that problem from spiraling out of control. Do you notice any of these warning signs in your business?

Webinar Replay: Automate business processes without coding

EducationSummary: Every day, employees at businesses across the globe waste precious time completing tasks that could (and should) be automated. The problem is, automating these business processes requires custom business rule logic–a task that requires manual coding. Business users often wait weeks or months for IT to produce the custom business logic they require to automate their manual processes. If you face this problem, check out this webinar replay to learn how you can create these business rules in hours or days–without coding!

7 secrets of effective IT departments

EducationSummary: As technology continues to evolve and play a larger role in business, more pressure gets placed on IT. They have an amazing opportunity to drive business and play a larger role than ever before. However, while some IT departments have embraced this role, others are still stuck in maintenance mode. They’re so caught up in putting out fires and keeping the lights on, they don’t have time for innovation. How can these IT departments become more effective? We explore a few methods in this article.