When most companies look at low-code software, they’re trying to fix a specific need. Maybe they get it to create a specific web application or system, speed up development, or help their end users create the applications they need. Of course, it’s great for all of that. But…it can be so much more.
The fact is, most companies aren’t getting the maximum value out of their low-code investment. If you’re only using it to solve one problem or help in just one area of the business, you’re missing out.
How can you get the most value out of low-code? In my experience, the companies that truly maximize their investment use their platform in one or more of the following ways:
- They spread it across their entire business: Low-code shouldn’t be confined to one department or just a handful of employees. It can help solve problems across your entire business. Think about it for a second. If you have a tool that speeds up development time and helps non-technical users create web applications…wouldn’t that be useful across all departments? Those who are most successful with low-code recognize this fact and use it everywhere they can.
- They use it to build everything they can: Those who are most successful with low-code use it for a variety of projects. In fact, any time they need software or want to automate a business process, they first turn to their low-code tool. Chances are, they can address most issues with low-code in less time than it would take to find, purchase, and implement a new piece of software.
- They use it to reduce user fees: Finally, I’ve seen companies that use low-code in a genius way. They create web applications to replace other SaaS products that they’re currently using. In doing so, they eliminate the user fees that they’re paying for those products. Low-code will often pay for itself in this way…and that’s on top of the ongoing productivity gains they get from the low-code platform.
Here’s a great example of a company that’s using low-code to its full potential. Not only are they creating web applications in record time, they’re building apps for all areas of their business. They’re building all types of things, completely custom to their business needs and processes.
*Now, one caveat to the points above: The licensing structure plays a big role in the overall value you’ll receive from a low-code platform. For instance, if you have a tool that charges per user or per developer, using it across your entire business could get costly. Or, if the tool charges per application developed, it gets costly to use it for everything.
Instead, look for a tool that doesn’t charge user/developer fees and lets you create unlimited applications. While it might be more expensive upfront, the long-term value is unmatched and opens the door for huge savings.