Summary: The m-Power Development Platform is a low-code development platform that lets you create enterprise-class web applications without coding. This video takes you on a deep dive into m-Power’s build process, walking you through a start-to-finish helpdesk portal development project in under 2 hours.
Development speed is one big advantage of the m-Power Development Platform. Using m-Power, you can build and deploy a custom solution faster than it would take to deploy an off-the-shelf solution.
Now, I realize that it’s easy to make that claim. So, we created a video of a start-to-finish development project to show you just how quickly you can create solutions with m-Power.
In the video, we create a custom helpdesk portal from scratch. A project like this would easily take weeks using manual coding. Deploying and customizing an off-the-shelf helpdesk portal would require days (if not a couple of weeks). With m-Power, we complete the whole project in under 2 hours. The video below walks you through the project from start to finish, and explains each step along the way.
If you don’t have time to watch the whole video or if you’d like to watch specific parts, we’ve broken it up into steps. You can filter and view each step when you visit this page. If you’d like to learn more about m-Power, visit the m-Power Overview page