Summary: The next presidential election is just around the corner. Soon, voters will file through polling locations–waiting in long lines for their chance to cast their vote. But, what if there were a way to simplify the process? What if there was a way to streamline the voting process, and reduce the inefficiencies? Learn how one county government accomplished this very task–simplifying the voter check-in process and eliminating long wait times.
With the next election about a month away, let me ask you a question: If you had the chance, how would you improve the voting process from a technology standpoint?
If you think about it, the whole voting process is quite untechnical. For instance, voters must stand in a long line while pollworkers manually look up and check in each voter. Then, the voters cast their votes using paper ballots. It seems like that process could be much more efficient.
How so? While I can think of a few different ways to improve that process, let’s take a look at a county government that’s actually doing something about it. The Boone County IT department recognized the many inefficiencies in the voting process. What did they do about it? They developed an application that simplified the voter check-in process and eliminated long wait times. You can read the whole story right here.