mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Year: 2015

Self-Service Business Intelligence 101: Understanding the Basics

EducationSummary: As data volumes explode, more and more businesses are realizing that traditional BI practices are less effective. We’re seeing a shift in Business Intelligence–away from an IT-driven process towards a self-service approach. But, while the need for self-service BI is growing, it’s still surrounded by a fair amount of confusion. The concept of “self-service BI” means widely different things to different people. In this article, we explain the basics of self-service, and the pros/cons it delivers to businesses.

Learn how other companies deliver custom ERP reporting

EducationSummary: ERP systems rarely provide a perfect fit for your company’s unique reporting needs. The problem is, you’re stuck in something of a “Catch-22.” If you don’t customize the system, it won’t perfectly fit your needs. If you do customize it, you’re locked into that system. In this article, you’ll learn how other businesses are creating custom reporting over their ERP systems, without locking themselves down.

Mobile vs. Traditional Development: 7 Key Differences

EducationSummary: As more businesses create their own mobile apps (or mobile web apps), they’re entering uncharted territory. Many come from a background in traditional application development, and aren’t prepared for the changes that mobile development requires. In this article, we explore the key differences between the two development types, and share some mobile development tips.

Webinar Replay: Dashboards 101–How to create effective dashboards

EducationSummary: While a business dashboard will help you make sense of your data, not all dashboards are created equal. Typical dashboards are inflexible–displaying a pre-determined set of metrics in a pre-set layout. Learn how to create flexible dashboards that your users love, while avoiding the common problems found in many modern dashboards.

Free Webinar: Kick Start Your Hadoop Journey

EducationSummary: Hadoop is one of the fastest growing technologies in the enterprise IT space. It helps businesses store and process massive amounts of data without purchasing expensive hardware. But, many organizations lack the skills necessary to leverage the power of Hadoop. This joint webinar will help businesses understand how new technologies can help them move past this hurdle and build applications over Hadoop data—using the skills they already have in-house