mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

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Weekly Recap: 11 best practices for BI, top technologies for business transformation, and more…

EducationSummary: In this week’s article roundup, we learn why businesses must pay attention to the coming war for developers (if they hope to stay in business), how enterprises are shifting to a new platform, and more.

11 best practices for Business Intelligence
BI gives businesses virtually limitless potential. It lets them transform immense volumes of data into organization-benefiting intelligence. The problem: These projects often fail. Learn the tips and best practices to keep your BI project on the right track.

The coming war for developers
The emergence of mobile, analytics and cloud technology has sparked a war for developers able to continue the fast pace of innovation. Enterprises that want to remain in business tomorrow must stay ahead of the development curve today.

The new mobile-cloud enterprise
Enterprise IT is undergoing a platform shift from web-based, client-server systems to a mobile-cloud platform. Enterprise IT must adapt to the new internal development ecosystem, or risk getting left behind.

Top technologies for business transformation
What technologies must businesses focus on in the coming months? Which ones hold the most potential to transform a company? First and foremost, businesses must address mobile. The rise of smartphones and mobile apps is changing business, much like the internet did in the past. Check out the article to learn more transformational technologies.