Summary: Over the past few years, we’ve seen an explosion in BI tools. But, with all of these available BI solutions to choose from, how do you know which options are any good? Here are 3 ways to separate the good from the bad.
Business Intelligence (BI) solutions come in all shapes and sizes. Some emphasize architecture, while others tout their flashy interface. Some cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, while others cost hundreds.
With all of these options, how do you separate the good from the bad?
It boils down to a few key areas. Here are 3 signs to look for:
1. Evolution

How has the software evolved since its release? If left alone, even the most advanced BI solution becomes outdated in just a few short years.
A good BI solution receives constant enhancements. It always remains current with the latest technology and trends.
Constant evolution also points to the vendor’s commitment to the product. Some rarely update their products so they can sell you a new product a few years down the road. Others constantly enhance their product so it always remains current.
Which would you rather own?
2. Support
How is the product supported? Do all calls go through a low-level call center? Or, do you speak with an actual person?
This points to the vendor’s view of their customers. If they route all support calls through a low-level call center, do they really value their customer’s time? Are they trying to help their customers succeed, or help themselves cut costs?
Always look for a vendor that staffs their support desk with product experts. Sure, it costs more for the vendor, but it points to their commitment to their customers.
3. Features
Which features come standard with the software? Sure, different products offer different options. But, every good BI solution must include certain essential features.
Rather than outline every feature here, we’ve put together a short guide. The guide lists which features and capabilities make a good BI solution, and explains why each is so important. You can find this free guide right here.
Of course, the best BI solution is one that best fits your business needs and solves your problems. While the solution varies per company, these 3 signs will show you whether a solution is even worth considering.