Month: June 2014
Weekly Recap: Why IT’s mobility efforts fall short, how BI improves decision-making, and more…
7 ways to build reports that your executives hate
Summary: As business data explodes at a surprising pace, many companies still struggle with reporting. They create reports that confuse or overwhelm their executives–hampering their ability to make decisions. What do your executives think about their reports? Do you make any of these reporting mistakes?
7 ways to build reports that your executives hateRead More »
3 ways customer portals improve business
Weekly Recap: 7 not-so-frequently asked questions about the cloud, IT innovation tips, and more…
10 ways to strengthen web application security
Web reporting software: 15 features to look for
Summary: Enterprise data is set to grow by 650 percent over the next 5 years. To truly capitalize on this data, companies need web reporting software that lets them easily convert data into meaningful management information. But, with all of the available reporting options, what should you look for?