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Lewis Screw and Bolt
Contact: Zolena Damaris
Address: 524 North Armour
City, State, Zip: Los Angeles, CA, 97568
Phone:  000-000-0002


Products Currently on order


total dollar amount spent with vendor
  19 Total Items | Page Size: 10  
Edit / Delete PO # Order Date Vendor Name Product Description Quantity PO Status
Edit100014 01/19/2024Lewis Screw and BoltCable Lock70 Received
Edit100025 02/01/2024Lewis Screw and BoltCable Lock40 Received
Edit100028 02/06/2024Lewis Screw and BoltCable Lock70 Received
Edit100032 02/11/2024Lewis Screw and BoltCable Lock10 Received
Edit100039 02/19/2024Lewis Screw and BoltCable Lock30 Received
Edit100060 03/15/2024Lewis Screw and BoltU Lock30 Received
Edit100067 03/22/2024Lewis Screw and BoltU Lock80 Received
Edit100088 04/19/2024Lewis Screw and BoltU Lock60 Received
Edit100097 04/28/2024Lewis Screw and BoltU Lock80 Received
Edit100104 05/08/2024Lewis Screw and BoltU Lock30 Received