Open Tickets
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Ticket ID Date Open Days Open Contact Name Assigned to Description Notes
Update 3407 11/20/2024 31 Norman Fuentes Amy's Maid Service Tim The printer won’t work.
Update 3411 11/23/2024 28 Karyn Hancock St Paul Food Pantry Tim My PC won't turn on
Update 3415 11/24/2024 27 Kiayada Miranda Lakeside Gift Shop Dave I accidentally deleted some files. Can I get them back? Checked on Backup Server
Update 3416 11/24/2024 27 Victor Sheppard XYZ Landscaping Tim Why is my PC so slow? Scheduled time for remote session for later today
Update 3425 11/30/2024 21 Francis Houston Amy's Maid Service Mike I accidentally deleted some files. Can I get them back? Checked on Backup Server
Update 3429 12/01/2024 20 Cameran Beach Frankie's Deli Mike I need access to a specific network folder. Checking with supervisor for verification.
Update 3444 12/03/2024 18 Willa Glover St Paul Food Pantry Mike What is my password?
Update 3460 12/04/2024 17 Karyn Hancock St Paul Food Pantry Tim How can I log a support ticket? Use this calendar!
Update 3462 12/07/2024 14 Uriah Hansen Speedy Running Gear Mike My phone will not get a dial tone. Investigating
Update 3466 12/08/2024 13 Sylvia Ball DJ's General Store Mike Why is my PC so slow? Scheduled time for remote session for later today