Title Tab

All settings in this options section affect the title at the top of the graph:

Graph Title

This field is the actual title. By default, this is set to the title of the application.

Title Font, Style, Size, and Color

The font settings for the text of the title can be modified using these fields:

Title Font

Available Fonts are Helvetica, Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and Sans-Serif. Sans-Serif will make the font be whatever the browser’s default Sans-Serif font is.

Title Font Style

This setting will make the font Bold, Italic, both, or normal. The default “Normal” will leave the text without bold or italics.

Title Font Size

The font size can be raised or lowered here. By default it is set to 10 pt.

Title Font Color

The font color may be a 6-digit hexadecimal value or any of the 17 HTML color names. You can also click on the color wheel next to the text field to pick a color from a palette.

Title Margin Top

This setting defines the amount of white space in between the border (or the top of the image if there is no border) and the top of the title. The default is 10.

10 pixels

Updated on October 1, 2021

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