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Managing m-Power Installations

If you are a new m-Power customer, please see the documentation for installing and configuring m-Power for new customers.

This documentation provides information on configuring m-Power for existing customers using a Windows server.

Updating or Replacing a License

If you are replacing an expiring license, after receiving the license, it will need to be copied and overwritten into the following three locations:

  1. \mrc\development\m-power\proddata\conf
  2. \mrc\development\m-power\mrcjava
  3. \mrc\production\m-power\mrcjava (all production instances)

Both the production and development Tomcat will then need to be restarted.

Purchasing Additional Licenses

If you have purchased an additional license, you will be sent a new license file via email. This new license will entirely replace the existing license. After receiving this license, it will need to be copied and overwritten into the following three locations:

  1. \m-power\development\m-power\proddata\conf
  2. \m-power\development\m-power\m-power\mrcjava
  3. \m-power\production\m-power\m-power\mrcjava (repeat for all production instances)

After the file is in place, you will need to restart both the production and development Tomcat in order for this license to take effect.

Each newly licensed database will now need to be configured. To do so, open the sign-in screen in the m-Power interface and click the “Set up m-Power” link. Once in the Software Configuration screen, select your newly licensed database, and enter your credentials. These credentials need to have full authority over the database. This step will need to be done for each of your new databases that you have not worked over previously.

Migrating m-Power to a new server

First, make sure your existing installation of m-Power is on the very latest update. The m-Power update can be downloaded from the Customer Portal. Do not continue until this step is done!

Once the existing m-Power has been updated, proceed to migrating to the new server.

If the new server meets ALL of the following conditions, please proceed to the “Migrating m-Power exactly as-is”:

  • m-Power versions are the same.
  • m-Power folder locations are the same.
  • Tomcat ports and version are the same (latest version: Tomcat 9)
  • Database stays the same.
  • Java versions stay the same (latest version: Java 11)

If the new server does not meet all of the above conditions, please proceed to “Migrating m-Power with changes”.

Migrating m-Power exactly as-is
Migrating m-Power with changes

Migrating m-Power exactly as-is

If the new server meets the following conditions, please proceed with the instructions in this section. If any of the below conditions are not met, please move to the next section.

  1. Download the m-Power software. To download m-Power, please contact a member of our sales team.
  2. Before continuing, download and save your mrclicense.txt file to your C:\ drive.
  3. Install m-Power by double clicking the .exe file. (Administrator rights are required for installation).
  4. The installation program will install all necessary components of m-Power (including the Java Developer Kit, as well as service installation for your Tomcat application server).
  5. Once completed, you will be required to reboot your server. m-Power will be unable to compile new applications until after this step is completed.
  6. At this point, you should be able to test that your system was set up correctly by going to (where 999.999.999.999 is the IP address of your Windows server). Note: If you can not connect, be sure that no firewall is blocking activity on Port 8011.
  7. Finally, click the “Admin Menu” button in the navigation bar. Then click “System Management”, then “Version & Software Update.” On this screen, click “Apply Update”. If you see an error, please ensure your user has full authority on the database.
  8. Copy the entire m-Power folder from the old server to the new installation. Restart Tomcat.

You should now be able to login to m-Power and access all dictionaries and applications from your old server.

Migrating m-Power with changes

If there are any aspects of the migration that are changing, you will have to manually move different folders or files to the new installation. Please follow these instructions:

  1. Download the m-Power software. To download m-Power, please contact a member of our sales team.
  2. Copy and save your mrclicense.txt file to your c:\ drive. m-Power is licensed by your database’s IP address. If only your server is changing and your database will remain the same, you can use your old license. If your database IP is changing, you must contact us at your earliest convenience for a new license key.
  3. Install m-Power by double clicking the .exe file. (Administrator rights are required for installation).
  4. Once completed, you will be required to reboot your server. m-Power will be unable to compile new applications until after this step is completed.
  5. At this point, you should be able to test that your system was set up correctly by going to (where 999.999.999.999 is the IP address of your Windows server). Note: If you can not connect, be sure that no firewall is blocking activity on Port 8011.
  6. Configure m-Power by following the “Configuring m-Power” section here. Once signed into the interface, press “Apply Update” from the popup window that appears. Make sure this process successfully completes.
  7. To move your runtime applications, the entire /mrcjava folder can be copied to the new m-Power folder. Be sure to do this for both development and production, if necessary.
  8. To move your dictionary settings, move the /proddata/conf/mpower-config-DICTIONARY.xml files where DICTIONARY is the name of your used dictionaries. No need to repeat with production.
  9. To move over the embedded database, move the /derby folder to the new installation. No need to repeat with production.
  10. To move your interface settings, move the /mrcwebgui folder to the new installation. No need to repeat with production.
  11. If applicable, move any customized Tomcat files to the new server. (i.e. /tomcat/conf/web.xml or /tomcat/conf/server.xml)

Depending on what might be changing in your server migration, please find these additional bullet(s) points that may apply to your migration:

  • If you are an Microsoft SQL Server customer: Copy the SQL Server driver mssql-jdbc-11.2.3.jre11.jar to the new …/m-power/tomcat/lib location. Repeat for production.
  • If the m-Power folder locations change: Update the derby path in the /mrcwebgui/WEB-INF/classes/mrc-spring-context.xml file and the context path in the /tomcat/conf/server.xml.
  • If the Tomcat Ports change: In the new server’s /tomcat/conf/server.xml file, find the default connector port=”8011″ and change this to the appropriate port where tomcat is installed. Repeat as needed for production.
  • Ensure that the mrc_runtime.properties file (mrcjava/WEB-INF/classes) as well as the messaging.properties file (mrcjava/job_streams), will be correctly pointing to this new server.

Congratulations — You have successfully moved m-Power to your new Windows server.

Updated on July 2, 2024

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