This feature allows you to copy preexisting calculations quickly within the same application. Whether you need to copy one or one hundred, this is an easy and effective way to mass produce similar calculations.
Copying Calcs in Retrievals, Reports, and Maintenance Applications
Enter the Calculations screen and create a calculation as you normally would. Click the “Accept” button.
Click the “Copy Calcs” button at the top of the page.

Click the checkbox next to the calculation(s) you wish to copy. Select as many calculations as you would like. Click “Accept” to copy the calculations. Copied calculations will appear at the end of your preexisting calculations. Any unchecked field will not be copied.

To re-order these fields, use the “Re-order” feature on the previous screen. Similarly, to modify the calculations, use the “Update” link on the previous screen.
Summary Applications
Enter the Calculations screen and create a calculation as you normally would. Click the “Save” button.
Summary Applications require an additional step from those laid out above. Since Summary applications create physical files, you have the ability to name the copied calculation field. There are some basic rules to follow when choosing a field name:
- The field must not already exist in the application
- If the field already exists in the data dictionary, the field attributes must be the same as defined to the data dictionary.
- The field name can not be blank.
- The field name is limited to ten (10) characters.
Please feel free to call the mrc Hotline if you have questions involving this, or any other feature.