The External Objects feature within m-Power allows developers to call their own back-end business logic. External Objects can be written in a variety of programming languages, such as SQL, Java, RPG, and CL. When adding an external object to an application, you will be brought to the following screen.

Select the external object and the desired location from the drop down list.
Once you have selected the object, the Parameter Information box will populate with parameters based on the external object. Either select the fields required for the external object, select Map a Constant and type in a static value, or select nothing if the parameter is not required. Once finished, click “Save External Object”.

External Object Resources
For advanced information about external objects, please see:
Sample RPG External Object
Sample Java External Object
Sample SQL External Object
Validating Via a RPG External Object
Validating Via a Java External Object
Validating Via a SQL External Object
Return Data External Object
Regular Expression External Object