2D Clustered Bar Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...
3D Stacked Bar Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...
3D Bar Chart Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...
3D Pie Options Tab This tab provides options specific to the Pie Label Value Format The Pie Label Value Formats define what values are...
2D Pie and Doughnut Options Tab These options, as shown below, are exclusive to the pie and doughnut chart types, and are explained in greater detail...
3D Clustered Bar Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...
2D Bar Chart Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...
2D Stacked Bar Options Tab X/Y Axis Label Tab This tab governs the text label on the X and Y Axes: Add a label by...