Group by within Reports This document explains how to setup your report applications to take advantage of the Group By functionality and also contains...
Output Reports to PDF m-Power Reports include the option to output to PDF. The painting for the PDF comes directly from the HTML presentation...
Top-Ten Style Reports Reports offer you the ability to create fully functional Top-ten style lists which will restrict the output to a pre-specified...
Built in Menu System Do you find yourself needing to build a Menu for all of the great generated applications you have built with...
Create and Register a UDF A user defined function (UDF) allows users to extend the power of SQL. Like built-in database functions, UDFs are invoked...
mrc Date Conversion UDFs mrc supplies three date conversion routines specifically for AS/400 databases. These routines are SQL functions located in MRCAPPLLIB, and they...
Override Default SQL Statement Overview m-Power applications allow you to have the ability to manually override the default SQL statement. Some customers wish to...
Copy an Application (including m-Painter changes) The m-Power web interface includes a very useful tool that allows you to copy an application. You have a variety...
Validate User Input Overview When working within an mrc application that allows end-users to input data, it is often necessary to be able...
Validating via an SQL External Object Overview This document will explain how to create and call an external object SQL procedure for validity checking. For basic...
Validating via a Java External Object Overview This document will explain how to call an external object Java program for validity checking. For basic information regarding...
Validating via an RPG External Object Overview This document will explain how to call an external object RPG program for validity checking. For basic information regarding...
One Click Data View Included with m-Power beginning with the September 7th, 2011 version, the One Click Data View feature allows developers to take...
Create Your Own m-Power Templates Editor’s Note: If you would like to create your own Bootstrap themed template, please contact mrc support. An m-Power template...
Parameter Listing m-Power templates allow you, as a developer, to specify numerous parameters at run-time to control the behavior of your applications....
Case Sensitivity within Applications Occasionally, searching in m-Power may result in returning no matching records, despite matching records existing. For example, the value ‘Chicago’...
Creating Total Level Calculations Overview On the m-Power hotline, we sometimes field calls from developers who are trying to compute values based on subtotal...
Creating Mobile Applications This tutorial describes how to create Mobile Applications with m-Power. The first step is to configure the data dictionary to...
Business Rules Designer Overview The Business Rules Designer allows developers to create their own custom business processes, directly in m-Power, without any coding....
Application Quick Navigation Click here to access the legacy version of this documentation. Included in the latest m-Power update, the Application Quick Navigation...